Month: September 2018

  • Room Refresh: Gorgeous Home Office

    This summer I had the privilege of working with my very own mama to restructure, organize & refresh her home office. My parents are self employed empty nesters who still live in our beloved childhood home. It’s a 5 bedroom beauty that my mom has faithfully updated over the 32 years that they have lived […]

  • Room Refresh: Farmhouse Command Station

    With school back in full swing, you may be finding the paper clutter building up. It’s easy for papers to end up on your kitchen counter or table when there is no system in place to contain them. The pile doesn’t take long to build up and before you know it an important paper has […]

  • How To Set Up A Simple Healthy Lunch Packing Station for Kids

    It’s been a full week of reintroducing back to school routines and rhythms in our home. Ava loves her grade 3 teacher and can’t wait to “do more work” (must be a teacher’s kid!) and Claire was chomping at the bit to get back into her preschool class this morning. Last week’s “not your typical […]