Month: October 2019

  • October Round Up

    Today’s short and sweet “October Round Up” includes my favourite things and experiences this month related to business, home and family.  OWK Snapshot: I had the privilege of speaking at an amazing outreach called, “COOK and CONNECT.” I loved sharing tips with the women about simplifying and making room for self and soul care even […]

  • Teenage Girl Dream Bedroom Refresh

    Modern Farmhouse Teen Bedroom Reveal When our kids enter their teens, they begin to develop a stronger sense of self and their bedroom becomes a reflection of this. I had the privilege of working with my sister to surprise my niece for her birthday with a simplified, organized and refreshed modern farmhouse bedroom.  This post […]

  • 5 Simple Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in our Kids

    Raising Grateful Kids : Thoughts on Thanksgiving Monday Thanksgiving is a holiday that evokes so many positive memories and emotions in me. In our home growing up (and still today!), my mom sets up a long table in her dining room and the whole family is invited, each bringing a delicious side dish to share. […]