4 Weeks to Clear the Clutter for Good – make space in your home, mind and heart by getting rid of things that no longer serve you! 

It’s time to learn to ditch the clutter for good! Over the next 4 weeks we are going to simplify our lives and tackle the 5 most common pain points in our homes: our kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, entryways and bedrooms. In this post, I’m providing you with an easy to follow method to declutter your entire home as you complete this challenge! 


In this challenge, we will be focusing on our homes. Decluttering should not be a long, complicated process. It is not about throwing out everything you own to start over again or create a home that resembles a “show home” more than a home that is lived in and an expression of those who share the space. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started! 

So, if you are ready to simplify your life and ditch the clutter for good, start here.

1. Make a Game Plan

We need to begin by looking at our current schedule and carving out room for this declutter challenge. You may think its a great idea to declutter, but treating this challenge like an important appointment and writing it down or adding it to your calendar is how you will ensure it actually happens!

  • Get out your phone or calendar and block off time each day where you will commit to decluttering. Aim for a minimum of 15 minutes and up to 1 hour if you have the time that day.
  • Set an alarm in your phone 30 minutes and 5 minutes before your declutter time block so you can prepare your mind and get in the zone.
  • Set a deadline: Look ahead 4 weeks from your start day and mark your finish date in your calendar. Work toward having your home decluttered by that date and reward yourself with something that brings you joy!

2. Create Vision

One thing I have noticed, is that when my home is in order, it sets me up for success! When our homes are clutter free, we are freed up to be present in the precious moments of life wholeheartedly. 

  • Try setting your timer for 10 minutes and allow yourself to visualize a home that is decluttered, organized and peaceful. Take note of what you see, how you feel and the experiences you are enjoying in your decluttered home.
  • Consider journaling how you are feeling right now, before the challenge begins. Then take note of how you feel during and after each space has been decluttered. Celebrate each small win! 
  • Keep this in mind: decluttering can evoke many feelings in us, both positive and negative. Choose to acknowledge the feelings that arise and then keep on going. Push through to your goal and remember your vision!

3. Follow My Simple Decluttering Steps:


  • Remove ALL items from the space you are decluttering
  • As you are removing the items, immediately begin sorting your things into categories. This will give you a true reflection of how much you have of each type of item. It will make it easier to choose what to keep and what to release.
  • Edit each pile: Keep only the necessary, best quality or favourite items, Donate or Sell items that no longer serve a purpose, Trash items that are broken, expired or stained.


When everything has a place, it will have a much better chance of staying organized and decluttered.

  • Shop your home and collect bins, baskets and containers you already have on hand! If you are in need of containers consider visiting your local dollar store for some great cost effective options!
  • Place items that are the same together and place back in your space
  • Consider labeling or colour coding so everyone in the home knows where things belong

4. How to Deal with Unnecessary Things

The bottom line is that all of us end up acquiring unnecessary things. Things that once served a purpose don’t remain useful forever. Culture often sends us the message that stuff = happiness. But we all know that isn’t how it works, and that stuff is just that – stuff!

  • Some examples of items that fall into the unnecessaries category are: freebies you never needed, decor items that you no longer like and are just taking up space, things that used to be sentimental, books you haven’t read and have no plan to read, gifts you never used (or liked in the first place), gadgets in your kitchen that you never reach for
  • If you come across something sentimental, ask yourself, is it useful or lovely? If it isn’t either of those consider keeping the memories and parting with the physical object.

5. Still Unsure?

Sometimes, we can feel stuck and don’t know what to do with an item. We barter with ourselves, coming up with reasons why we should AND should not keep an item. Rather than waste your precious time fretting, try these simple tips to help you make a decision:

  • Place the item in a bin and out of sight for 30 days. If you forget about the item or find you never did need it, it’s time to let it go!
  • Turn your hangers in the same direction. Every time you wear an article of clothing, turn the hanger in the opposite direction. Re-visit your closet after 3 months and then again in 6 months to see what you are never choosing to wear and release it!

6. Grab Your Free 4 Week Declutter Your Home Printable

In order to stay on track during the challenge, download your free printable. Each week you will have a designated zone to focus on in your home. Under each week you will have specific mini tasks to complete which can be broken into “daily tasks” or a few can be tackled at once in a longer time block.

  • Commit to decluttering one space in your home per week
  • Work through the mini tasks provided
  • Head to the link HERE to get the free 4 week declutter challenge printable!

Sharing is caring! Pin this image so you can revisit this 4 week challenge whenever you need a re-set!

If you enjoy daily organization encouragement, head on over to the OWK Instagram Page HERE to receive daily coaching tips. If you enjoy being part of a community of like minded women who are passionate about decluttering and simplifying their lives, follow OWK on Facebook HERE and join the conversation!

Be sure to share your progress on your Instagram Stories or Posts and include hashtag #OWKDeclutterChallenge and tag @organizedwithkids so we can encourage and inspire one another over the next 4 weeks! 

Our challenge begins November 1st but feel welcome to join in at any time!

Happy Decluttering!