Happy November!

I always love the feeling of turning the page on the calendar to see a fresh new month ahead of me full of possibilities! As I was planning and dreaming about this new month, I began to think forward toward the Christmas season that is fast approaching. Believe it or not, we are less than 8 weeks away from Christmas and those weeks are going to fly! It seems as though things get a little busier, the to-do’s add up and expectations to make this “the best Christmas ever” begin to creep into our hearts and minds.

But, with the turn of the calendar to this new month, my thoughts turn to simplifying this season … to peel back the unnecessary stresses and demands and leave room for the precious moments that really matter. There are no rules around having to “get this” or “do that” in order to make this season everything we dream it could be. In fact, the less we get and do, the more opportunity we have to take in the miracles happening all around us.

When we are intentional about our time, we naturally experience less stress and more joy in our lives during the holiday season. When we say NO to the hustle, we can take the time to notice the sparkle coming off the first snowfall and the hoar frost creating intricate designs on the trees in the morning, we notice opportunities to volunteer our time or give back to those less fortunate, we happily open our homes to host friends and family, and we prioritize time for baking, watching our favourite Christmas movies, and cuddling up by the fire.

One thing I have noticed in full seasons, is that when my home is in order, it sets me up for success! When home is clutter free I am free to be present and to take in all this season has to offer. So, in order to get your heart and home ready for the Christmas season, I’m providing you with a FREE DECLUTTER Your Home For the Holidays GUIDE to tackle up to 30 different spaces in your home this November!

By using the month of November to work on decreasing clutter in our homes, my hope is that you will clear space in both your hearts and homes for what really matters this season!

So, go ahead and click on this LINK: DECLUTTER Your Home For the Holidays and get intentional about decluttering spaces in your home so you are “Holiday Ready” come December 1st!

NOTE: You do not need to complete each space listed in the guide, and please remember to work at your own pace! Be sure to share your progress on your Instagram Stories or Posts and include hashtag #OWKDeclutterForTheHolidays and tag @organizedwithkids so we can encourage and inspire one another throughout the month!

Grace not Perfection & Community over Competition is always the way to go!
