How to Reclaim Your Time to Make Room for What Matters Most

In our busy and often chaotic lives, “to-do’s”, piles of laundry, kids homework, work commitments, and endless dishes to clean can fill our days with overwhelm and leave us feeling exhausted and stressed. Is it even possible to make time for simple slow moments when we always feel 2 steps behind?

We’ve all been there. We have great intentions to spend our valuable time wisely, on what really matters. Then, little things creep in and steal our time and leave us feeling frustrated and disappointed. But, there is a better way!

Reflect on Your Top 3 Priorities

What are the things that bring you the most joy, and are “non-negotiables” that you believe will lead you toward living YOUR BEST LIFE? Perhaps it’s putting your marriage first, or spending un-rushed quality time with your kids each week, or pursuing a passion that sets your heart on fire! Maybe you want to step into leadership in an organization you are part of, or perhaps you want to get your health in check. The possibilities are endless!

  • You don’t need to wait until January 1st to do this exercise, today is the day!
  • Grab a journal and pen and write down all of your ideas, don’t hold back
  • Narrow in on the TOP 3 game changing priorities that you want to implement starting this week

Make an unapologetic “NO” list

Next, I want you to list out all of your current responsibilities. Think of all of the duties you take on in the day or throughout the week. List them all: housework, meal planning and prep, parenting, homeschooling, job requirements, book clubs. If your time or energy is required, write it down! The reality is that we cannot be everything to everyone all of the time. We need to regularly take inventory and determine if it is time to release current commitments to create time for what matters most right now.

  • Is each item in your list pulling you closer or further away from your top priorities?
  • Circle anything that is not absolutely necessary and is pulling you away from where your time and energy is required in the current season
  • Take action and respectfully remove at least one non-essential responsibility today

Embrace the Pumpkin Patch Analogy

This past summer I had the opportunity to attend the “Making Things Happen” virtual conference put on by the Cultivate What Matters team. During the conference, Lara brought us outside to a garden box that contained one HUGE pumpkin. She said that in order for that pumpkin to grow to its impressive size, she had to regularly cut back the beautiful flowers that were budding along the stem.

  • It was a reminder that even though good opportunities may come along, they are not always our opportunities to take on
  • When we “make the main thing, the main thing” (think about your priorities) they have the time, space and energy to grow well and turn into something significant

3 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Today

1. What needs to change in your daily or weekly schedule to allow time to pursue your top priorities?

2. What do you need to say no (or not right now) to, to make room for what matters most?

3. What opportunities do you need to pass on in order to make “the main thing” grow, even if those opportunities seem like “good ones”?

Sharing is caring! Be sure to pin this picture so you can refer back to this guide as often as needed! 

I hope these simple tips will give you the confidence to create healthy boundaries and make room for what matters most!

If you are ready to review your schedule with a fresh perspective, take your time back and get focused on your main priorities, time management coaching may be exactly what you need! You can find out more about my services HERE.