5 simple tips on how to banish clutter in your kitchen for good

Kitchen cabinets are one of the areas in our homes that we use the most and they can get out of hand quickly without proper systems in place. Follow these 5 easy steps to create a functional and organized kitchen that serves your family every single day.

1. Start Fresh

In order to take realistic inventory of what lives deep in your kitchen cabinets, you need to remove all of the items and and sort them right away into like groups. By sorting all of the items in your kitchen, you will get a realistic look at how many platters, cups, mugs, spatulas … you own and you may be surprised by the amount of duplicates you have!

  • Remove ALL items from your kitchen cabinets (feel free to work in sections)
  • Sort the items into like piles right away
  • Wipe down the shelving and cabinet doors

2. Simplify … a lot

One of the reasons why it may be extremely difficult to keep our kitchen cabinets organized is that we simply own too many things. Now that you have a realistic look at what you own (and forgot you had!) it’s time to edit the items. Your goal is to only keep the necessary, best and favourite items that you own.

  • When you have multiples, keep only the best quality or favourite item.
  • Realistically consider how many mugs and cups your family requires. Choose to keep a matching set and your favourites, then release the rest!
  • Now is the time to sell or donate those bulky novelty small kitchen appliances that you dreamed of using, but never have and realistically never will …  I’m looking at you, Bread Maker!

3. Designate Zones

Before you place the items that you are choosing to keep back into the cabinets, it’s important to take a moment and think about how you naturally use the space. In areas where you are doing food prep, be sure to store cutting boards, knives and strainers close by. If you have a coffee station on the counter, be sure to have your mugs just above or next to it. Consider placing plates and bowls in a cabinet or on open shelving close to the kitchen table or sink.

  • Store necessary items in easy reach close to your prep area, cooking zone, and cleaning zone.
  • Place items that the kids need access to in easy reach areas (placemats to set the table, kids cups, and Tupperware to be used when packing lunches, etc …)
  • Place cooking utensils and spices next to the stove

4. Organize

When placing kitchen items back into their designated spot, group like things together and contain whenever possible. Consider investing in a few key storage organizers that save big on space and create functional systems for your kitchen.

  • Store baking pans, cutting boards and platters vertically using a bakeware rack to save on space and make these items easily accessible
  • Use adjustable shelves to store and separate items in a small kitchen
  • Add one of my favourite organization tools – a turntable inside a cabinet for easy access to spices, condiments and oils
  • Large compartment adjustable drawer organizers keep all of your kitchen tools sorted and accessible
  • Store “sometimes” items on the highest shelves and well loved items in lower cabinets or drawers

All suggested items are based on items I own or would use in my home. If you purchase any of these items using the link provided, I will receive a small commission which is used toward making this small business serve you better! I truly appreciate every purchase and hope these items serve your family well! 

5. Create a Simple Maintenance Routine

After dinner each day, I recommend implementing a “5 minute tidy” routine. Everyone in the family can take part in this easy routine. Turn on some music, set a timer and give everyone a job to do to get the kitchen cleaned up and ready for the next day!

  • Clear off the table and wipe it down
  • Rinse dishes and load the dishwasher – remember to turn it on
  • Return condiments and spices to their designated home
  • Wipe down the sink and counters

Sharing is caring! Be sure to pin this picture so you can refer back to this guide as often as needed! 

I hope these 5 simple tips will give you the confidence to banish clutter in your kitchen cabinets for good!

If you are looking for an encouraging organization coach to walk you through the process, virtually, I’m your girl! For more details, check out my services page HERE.