6 simple tips to reduce clutter in your bathroom for good

In order to benefit from a bathroom that is both functional and beautiful we need to be intentional about what we are choosing to keep and display in our cabinets and on our counters. When we pare down to the items that we actually use on a daily basis and adopt the “less is more” approach with decor, we streamline our morning and evening routines and create a space that invites us to relax and stay a while.

1. Remove Everything

In order to be aware of what we actually have in our bathroom cabinets, drawers and shelving we need to remove all of the items from each space and start fresh.

  • Remove ALL items from your bathroom cabinets, shelving, shower/tub surround and counters
  • SORT the items into like piles right away: separate by makeup, hair products, face products, toiletries, etc…
  • Take this opportunity to wipe down all surfaces: counters, mirrors, shelving, light fixtures

2. Trash Expired and Unused Items

Bathrooms can be quite similar to our pantries because when we do a good declutter it’s common to find many expired items.

  • Take a picture of items that have expired and need to be replaced
  • Plan to re-stock expired items this week
  • As you touch each item, choose to release products that you never use and are just taking up space

3. Shop your Home First for Bins + Baskets

Before running off to the nearest home improvement store, shop your home for bins, baskets and containers first. Once you have shopped your home, take inventory of exactly how many bins you still need and measure the size of bins you require, then shop with purpose!

  • Un-box and contain like items together
  • Stack bins to make use of the height in your under sink cabinets
  • Layer bins, placing items that are used most often near the front of your cabinets
  • Place daily use items in pretty baskets, acrylic organizers or turn tables in open shelving

4. Take a Closer Look at Your Towels and Bath Mats

Use this opportunity to check your towels and bath mats: discard them if they are ripped or stained.

  • Fold or roll towels nicely and place them in a basket or stacked in open shelving
  • Consider purchasing a bath mat that adds a pop of pattern or colour to your space
  • Add hooks near your shower or bath to hang wet towels

5. Use a Drawer Organizer

I cannot stress the difference a good drawer organizer will make in a bathroom. Use a drawer organizer to contain items that you use on a daily basis like Q-tips, hair ties, and makeup remover pads.

  • Sort and contain daily used items in a drawer organizer
  • Make sure you measure your drawer BEFORE purchasing a drawer organizer
  • Find a drawer organizer at Bed Bath & Beyond, Walmart or Amazon

6. Refresh Your Space

Once everything is in its place, its time to add some intentional decor into your bathroom. You can easily transform this space into a relaxing oasis by adding a few stylish elements.

  • Add a candle or two to enjoy low light while having a bath
  • Put up some artwork: add a letter board and put a fun message on it, include an inspirational quote or decor that encourages you to relax
  • Add some greenery in open shelving or near your tub

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I hope these simple organization tips have you excited to banish clutter in your bathrooms for good!

For more organization inspiration, grab your FREE 4 week declutter printable HERE.