6 easy steps to unpacking after vacation with kids

Heading home from a family holiday can feel overwhelming when you are tired and know how much unpacking needs to be done. I’m sharing easy tips that will get you organized and back into routine after vacation in no time. 

1. Unpack right away

Even though you may feel exhausted after you return home from a trip and want nothing more than to collapse onto your couch and watch Netflix in your pyjamas, fight the urge and determine to get unpacked right away. Knowing how amazing you will feel the next morning when you wake up and everything is unpacked and organized is a strong motivator! If you happen to arrive home very late at night, then just focus on step 5 and do the rest the next morning! 

2. Separate dirty laundry ahead of time

During your trip, I suggest having a laundry bag where all of the dirty clothes can stay separate from the clean clothing. When you get home, just dump the dirty laundry into your washing machine and get it started! While the dirty laundry is washing, sort the clean laundry on your bed and deliver the clean clothing to each family member’s room.

3. Get everyone involved

Unpacking after a family trip should not fall on one person. Designate jobs for your kiddos and spouse. Get every family member to grab items from the vehicle as you come back into the house and place suitcases in one central spot. My hubby takes over cleaning out the van while I get started on laundry. Our girls grab their activities and books and put them back into their rooms and help put away all of the shoes.

4. Clean out your vehicle

Chances are you will be heading out of the house the next day and it always feels refreshing when you get into a clean vehicle after vacation. Empty all of the suitcases and contents from your vehicle, throw out any garbage and give it a quick clean with your hand held vacuum.

5. Get your kids bedtime needs sorted

My kiddos are always ready for an earlier bedtime after a vacation. As soon as I’ve put the laundry in the machine, I head upstairs to replace pillow cases, lay out pyjamas and put special blankets and stuffed animals back on their beds. I fill water bottles and place them on their nightstands. By doing these tasks ahead of time, we aren’t searching for important bedtime items when its time for lights out.

6. Use your click and collect grocery service

One other simple tip to make bouncing back into routine easier after a vacation is to use your local grocery store’s click and collect service. Order your groceries before you leave on vacation or on your way home and schedule your pick up time for the evening or day after you return. Having a full fridge and meal planning done for the week is a wonderful feeling!

Sharing is caring! Make sure to pin this image so you can easily refer back to these simple packing tips as often as you’d like!

If you have any other family vacation unpacking tips and tricks to share, I’d love to hear them!

And, if you would like to read my simple PACKING tips post, head here.