50 Things to Declutter Today That You Will Not Miss!
By decluttering some, or all, of these 50 items, you’ll create more space for things that are truly useful. You’ll also be able to find what you need more quickly and may experience greater mental clarity as there will be less visual clutter competing for your time and attention.
In this, 50 things to declutter right now list, I’m sharing a simple room by room guide of all the things you can declutter, starting today! Be sure to print off the FREE DECLUTTER LIST PRINTABLE found at the end of the post!
- Bread maker *unless you use yours faithfully!
- Expired food in your fridge and pantry
- Tupperware containers that have no lid
- Small appliances and gadgets you haven’t touched in the last year
- Large kitchen utensils that are multiples or need replacing
- Mugs – most of us have too many!
- Drinking glasses that you never reach for
- Themed party supplies that only have partial sets or you won’t use again
- Spices that no longer smell fresh or you never use!
- Cookbooks that you never open
- Old batteries
- Pens that no longer work or you got for free at the last event you attended
- Expired coupons
- Mystery keys and cords
- Foreign coins for destinations you will no longer visit
- Out of season shoes + jackets (release or store in bins)
- Shoes that are damaged or no longer fit
- Extra hats, scarves and gloves – great to donate!
- Expired seasonal items like sunscreen
- Cracked, scratched or broken sunglasses
- Tops and Bottoms that are stained or ripped
- Clothing that does not fit and make you feel your best
- Wire hangers
- Socks with holes or without a match
- Bras that no longer fit
- Shoes that pinch or give you blisters
- Dresses that you wore once and haven’t touched since
- Old bedding – treat yourself to a fresh new set!
- Piles of papers and receipts that are sitting on flat surfaces
- Decor you no longer enjoy or doesn’t fit your current style
- Books that are not age appropriate or are damaged beyond repair
- Stuffed animals that are not cuddled or played with regularly
- Clothing that no longer fits, is stained or ripped
- Small toys that end up all over the floor
- Plastic toys from McDonald’s
- Old or stained bedding
- Art projects that are not “masterpieces” to make room for new creations
- Felts that no longer work
- Excessive sets of crayons, pencil crayons, markers – less is more!
- Colouring and Activity books that are mostly or all used up
- Expired makeup
- Makeup you never reach for
- Expired medications
- Expired hair products
- Hair products you never reach for
- Expired Skin care products
- Hair ties that have lost their stretch or that you don’t like
- Cleaning products that seemed like a good idea, but you never reach for
- Hair tools that don’t work or you haven’t touched for a year
- Free samples that have remained untouched
How Much Is Too Much?
You may find this is a great list of where to start, but what if knowing how much is too much is making you stall in your decluttering process? The solution is not a one size fits all answer – but you can use these guiding questions to help you decide which things to declutter and feel good about what you are choosing to keep and release.
- When was the last time I touched this?
- Do I often reach for something else instead?
- Does this item fit the needs of the season I am currently in?
- Will releasing this item make more room for the items I currently use and love?
- Does this item create feelings of joy + usefulness or shame and guilt?
What is the 20/20/20 rule for decluttering?
The 20/20 rule was created by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus from The Minimalists. This simple rule is if you can replace something you are decluttering in less than 20 minutes for less than $20, you can declutter it. The 20/20/20 rule includes digital clutter as well. If it takes less than 20 seconds to find an app or browser don’t keep the app on your phone or browser constantly open.
What is the 50% rule for clutter?
The 50% rule for clutter is a straightforward yet powerful principle: reduce the number of items in any given space by half. The idea is to keep your spaces only 50% full, allowing for breathing room for your items and a more manageable and organized environment.
How do you declutter ASAP?
- Follow the SORT Method to stay on track: Simplify first, Organize by storing like items together, Refresh your space using items that bring you joy, and Transform your home with daily, weekly and monthly decluttering routines
- Schedule it in (treat decluttering sessions like important appointments)
- Set a timer (start with 10 minutes, and gradually increase)
- Stick to one space or category at a time as you choose things to declutter (this reduces overwhelm)
- Clean sweep: set a 5 minute timer and get rid of obvious trash first to build momentum
- Remove and SORT all items right away, this makes decision making easier
- Decide: Keep, Donate, Sell, Miscellaneous (belongs somewhere else)
- Contain keep items by category
My hope is that this list of 50 Things to Declutter Right Now has helped you to start to flex your organization muscles! The more you release items that have served their time and are no longer useful to you, the more your simplified home will bring you a sense of peace, calm and joy!
Free Declutter List Printable:
CLICK HERE >> OWK Ultimate Declutter List Printable
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