I thought I was going to be a “lifer” when I landed my dream job teaching Kindergarten. As an early childhood educator, being hired in one of the top schools in the province in a tight knit supportive community felt like I had arrived, and I didn’t plan on going anywhere.

The Back Story

From the time I was a young girl, around 4 years old, I wanted to be a teacher. I would set up my stuffed animals in rows facing a little chalkboard and would teach them all I knew! If I was lucky, my older sister would play along as well.

As I grew older, this dream continued to grow. When I turned 11 years old and could take a babysitters course, I began babysitting for every kid on the block. After high school, I was accepted into my local University’s Education program and graduated with an early childhood minor 4 years later.

I thrived when I was helping and encouraging children to learn through play, so when I landed my first job in a Kindergarten class I was in my happy place!

My career continued for the next 15 years, I taught grade 3, 5 and Kindergarten, with a few maternity leaves in the middle. I loved each grade, but when I landed the Kindergarten position at one of the most highly sought after schools in the province, I felt like I had finally been handed my dream job.

I actually remember thinking, “This is it! This is what I’ve been dreaming of since I was a young girl. I’m going to be here until I retire!”

Over my years of teaching in a classroom I developed valuable organizational & creative skill sets, perfected the systems required to run a successful program and became an expert problem solver and delegator! I also became a mom to my 2 beautiful girls, Ava & Claire.

God has shown me, that every season is valuable and prepares us for what is to come. Even if “what is to come” is totally unexpected!

Embracing the Unexpected

In the Spring of 2015, at the end of a women’s conference at my church, I was filling out a “dream card.” Before I knew it I had written down, “start an organization blog”. It came out of left field and at first I wondered if God had mixed up who the dream was intended for!

I knew nothing about blogging and yet the desire to help & encourage moms to find more organization and simplicity in their lives began to take shape.

I’m learning that when God plants a dream in our heart, and we trust in him to make a way, he will be faithful! His ways are perfect and he makes all things good in his timing.

I held onto this little dream that seemed impossible to me for about six months. Then, one day I nonchalantly mentioned that I was thinking about starting a blog to my sister, and not to tell anyone! Her excitement got me even more excited and before I knew it we were dreaming and planning together at a Starbucks, and “Organized With Kids” was born!

I published my very first post in February 2016 and the excitement I felt then about encouraging one another through this crazy journey of motherhood remains today!

I love helping mom’s embrace simplified living and create homes that inspire and serve them. When we embrace less, home becomes a peaceful haven that fosters healthy and happy families.

The Transition

For the next several years, I posted on my blog as much as I could, which wasn’t a whole lot as I was mainly juggling family life and teaching. I often felt like I didn’t have a whole lot of time or creative energy left at the end of the day to invest into this growing passion of mine!

In Spring of 2018, I found myself feeling restless even though I was having an amazing teaching year. Was I willing to take a huge leap of faith and pursue this passion within me whole heartedly? And, wasn’t it just plain crazy for me to walk away from such an amazing school community?

As I turned to God in prayer, I heard a still small voice say: “Sarah, the time is now.” Even then, I wrestled with God a little bit more about all of the details and exactly how this was going to work (I am an organizer by nature!). Then in a moment of trust & obedience I just said, “Ok!” A sense of peace immediately filled me. The feeling of restlessness was replaced with JOY and anticipation!

I committed the process to Him and all of the necessary steps needed to transition out of teaching and finish well fell into place.

Slow & Steady Progress 

During the first 6 months, I embraced mom life at home. Home truly is my happy place.

I loved being there for my girls everyday when they woke up and tucking them into bed each night. Enjoying the simple tasks like dropping off and picking up Claire from preschool, eating lunch together each day (conversations with a 4 year old are the best!), being home to welcome Ava after school and catch up on her day and setting up systems and routines in my home that have grounded us, helped me to create a home that served us well!

I chose to focus on building a business and brand that had strong roots rather than lean into a hustle mentality. I’ve learned that naming my why right from the beginning: my mission, my goals & my big picture vision helped me to move forward with focused intention and grow a business in a way that was sustainable for me and my family.

I’ve learned that everything takes longer than I think it will and that slow and steady progress is much better than trying to do it all and really do nothing well.

My husband, Jason’s, whole hearted support in me has helped us to grow stronger and more unified.

Learning To Focus On What Matters Most

Throughout every season of my business, my relationship with God and my family comes first. Spending time in the Word and prayer each morning grounds me. Getting grounded allows me to show up fully for the mamas in my community, ready to serve!

I have a fierce determination to prioritize my family and not just say that yet fall into the “hustle and burn out” mentality. So I have social media free weekends and evenings to keep my priorities straight.

Some days I feel like I am hitting all of my goals and other days I feel inadequate and “behind”. But at the end of the day, I’d make the same choice over and over again.

Be sure to read part 2 of this blog post next Monday morning! I will be sharing the 5 lessons I’m holding on to as a Mompreneur.

Check out some of my favourite early organization projects here and here.

Sharing is caring! Be sure to PIN this image so that this message of encouragement recaches more mama’s!

Are you currently in a season of change? What are some of the valuable lessons you have been learning along the way? I’d love to hear from you!