Are you currently in a season of change or feeling called to one?

Today, I will be sharing the 5 lessons I’m holding on to as a Mompreneur.

Navigating through what it takes to turn a blogging hobby into a business has come with a huge learning curve and its fair share of triumphs and challenges. Last week I shared all about the journey that ultimately brought me to the decision to leave a teaching job that I loved to follow the deep desire and calling within me to grow my organization business and be more present and available for my girls.

I recommend you head on over to Part 1 of the series here if you haven’t had the chance to read it yet!

With that being said, I have learned valuable lessons along the way that I want to share with you in hopes that we can encourage one another during seasons of change and not just show up at the “end point” when we feel confidant and masterful at our trade.

Great Things Take Time to Unfold

In our fast-paced, instant gratification society we often buy into the lie that success needs to happen immediately. And, if that isn’t happening for us right away we can lose hope or motivation to continue.

There is an important season of planting and preparation that is required to lay the groundwork for great things to unfold.

Self-professed “tidying fanatic” Marie Kondo seemed to take the world by storm overnight, with her new Tidying Up series on Netflix drawing a huge crowd of followers devoted to the KonMari Method of decluttering.

However, Kondo’s celebrity status has been a long time in the making, starting way back when she was just a five-year-old girl who was drawn to Japanese home lifestyle magazines. At the age of 15, she began to tidy her own home and friends homes. At the age of 19, Marie began her own consulting firm. She released her first book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” in 2011 and her second book, “Spark Joy” was released in 2012. 7 years later, at the age of 34, her Netflix series was released.

I’m not saying it’s going to take 30 years to develop your craft, but it does take time & hard work for great things to unfold. 

The Journey is not Always Clear

Determining your big picture goal is a process that takes time and reflection. Even with well laid out plans, there is bound to be moments of trial and error and a constant need to step out of your comfort zone.

Give yourself the time and space to embrace all of the messy, unexpected, emotional highs and lows that come with starting something new. Push aside the “imposter syndrome” and believe in the gifts that are within you and take the chance to let them shine!

5 Lessons I’m Holding On To As A Mompreneur:

1. Avoid Comparison

“Comparison isn’t just the thief of joy, it’s the thief of everything. Keep your eyes on your purposeful path. Celebrate others. Celebrate progress, not perfection. Cultivate gratitude over comparison. Gratitude turns what we have into more than enough.” Lara Casey, Cultivate What Matters

  • Comparison takes away from the gift of this season you are in.
  • Be filled with gratitude instead of comparison.
  • Celebrate others successes: it affects us all when we uncover what we were created to do and pursue it wholeheartedly!

2. Word over World

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

  • When you feel overwhelmed and discouraged, spend time in prayer to replace confusion with the truth about who you are!
  • Fill yourself with the Word daily (I prefer to start my mornings this way.)
  • Regularly journal and reflect on God’s truths and promises for you.

3. One Baby Step at a Time

“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9

  • Slow and steady progress ~ sometimes the strength within you is just a tiny spark that whispers ever so softly “you got this, keep going.” (Quote found on Pinterest)
  • Embrace where you are at and enjoy the journey.
  • Take opportunities to learn lessons along the way!
  • Adopt the motto, “Progress over perfection.”

4. Take the Time to Build Up Your Root System

  • What is your why?
  • Create a mission statement (I’m loving Emily Ley’s Branding Course – HERE).
  • Big picture vision will help guide your decisions ~ reflect on what will matter to you when you are 80!

5. Have Grace For Yourself

  • Your path can take a turn you didn’t expect and that’s OK!
  • Remember, trying something new is better than being too fearful to try.
  • Practice makes progress!

Did any of these lessons resonate with you? I’d love to hear which ones you are choosing to embrace! Join the conversation and let me know what truths you are holding on to as you navigate through a season of change.

Sharing is caring, be sure to PIN the image below to spread these valuable lessons to other mama’s!

All Photography by Nutrition In the Kitch

Be sure to check out PART 1 of the series HERE!

I think you may like some of my other inspirational posts, HERE and HERE!

Cheering you on!